
Data-Driven Transformation

We help you become a company that makes decisions based on data, providing you with the guidance and support to take advantage of all the data available in your business, thus gaining a competitive advantage by using them in a transversal way in your decision making.

Data Driven Strategy

Data Driven Strategy


We help you define and move forward on your roadmap to a Data-Driven Company.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence


We transform your data into information available and at the service of the business to make better decisions.


Enterprise Performance Management


21st Century Planning and Simulation. Free yourself from Excels, automate and professionalize how to plan your company.

AI & Advanced Analytics

IA & Advanced Analytics

From AI and ML to discover patterns and make predictions, to Generative AI to increase workforce productivity and improve customer experience.

Education & Trainings

Education & Trainings


Training key people in your company in data management and analysis, internalizing know-how and guiding data-driven decision making.

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Data Driven Strategy

We help you define and advance your roadmap towards a Data-Driven model.

Data Driven Strategy Eng

The first step to move towards Data-Driven is to be clear about the company’s strategic and business objectives. From there, assess the needs and capabilities available and develop a roadmap for the Data & Analytics function.

Type of projects

  • Data&Analytics Master Plan
  • Transformation of the culture towards Data-Driven
  • Development of in-house vs outsourced analytics function
  • Staff training / Education
  • Data architecture and integration
  • Data Governance Plan


Business Intelligence

Data-driven solution that empowers companies by analyzing and interpreting information, enabling smarter decision making and effective strategic planning.

Ilustracion Bi2


  • Disconnected Data – Data spread across different systems and Excels, no cross-analysis, no overview.
  • Low Quality – Data not validated, not consolidated, not reliable (several versions of reality), outdated.
  • Competitive disadvantage – Reports that do not respond to business needs, do not help to make decisions.
  • Discouragement– Too many people creating manual reports, too much time compiling data and too little time analyzing it.


  • Global Vision – Unification and harmonization of data in a single environment that allows crossing and relating information.
  • Reliable – Validated and reliable information, updated periodically, provides the same vision to all (single point of truth).
  • Business aligned – Reports designed for the business, KPIs oriented to provide the best information for decision making.
  • More time to analyze – Key users bring their expertise where they are good at: analyzing information to make better decisions.

Type of projects

  • Balanced Scorecard
  • Financial Reporting
  • Commercial analysis / sales / margins / promotions
  • Stock and Operations Reporting
  • Marketing and Social Media Analysis
  • HR Dashboard


EPM / Planning

Planning and Simulation of the 21st century. Free yourself from Excels, automate and professionalize how to plan your company.

Ilustracion Apok


  • Slow processes – based on complex spreadsheets that take forever to open or update.
  • Unflexible – Adding a new row or comparative column dismantles the whole framework.
  • No Detail – Everything at a high level as it is unfeasible to add more business detail (product, customer, CeCo).
  • Unrobust – Corrupt files, missing quotes, multiple copies of the same file with different values.
  • Isolated – Cannot be edited concurrently, we end up with multiple copies of the same budget, but each with “its number”.
Ilustraciones Ap2ok


  • Agile – Fast, simple, intuitive planning processes allow shortening time from weeks to hours.
  • Flexible – Adaptable to each case, easily evolvable and modifiable to future business challenges.
  • Detailed – Calculations can be made at a high level and automatically distributed to any business dimension.
  • Centralized – 1 single access to 1 single environment based on 1 single robust data model, with per-user security and traceability of changes.
  • Collaborative – Collaborative environment where multiple users can edit concurrently and validate/reject at various levels of approval.

Type of projects

  • P&L Planning
  • Financial Planning (P&L + Balance Sheet + Cash Flow)
  • HR Planning (Head Office, branches, points of sale)
  • Commercial Budgeting
  • Stock Planning
  • Commercial Margin Simulations


AI & Advanced Analytics

AI is changing the way business is done in many industries. We use advanced analytics methodologies to understand, predict and optimize business processes.

Ia&advanced Analytics

Predictive AI

Predictive AI to predict the future behavior of your key business variables and help you make decisions.

Predictive Ai

Use large volumes of internal and external historical data, understand the drivers that affect your target business variables, model and predict the value of these variables in the future to anticipate decision making.

Generative AI

Generative AI to increase workforce productivity and enhance customer experience

Generative Ai

Use off-the-shelf or custom-developed Large Language Models to provide tools capable of generating, interpreting and responding to text with advanced contextual understanding, thus facilitating a wide range of applications.

Type of projects

Predictive AI

  • Forecasting demand by product in fashion retailing
  • Calculation of the probability of success in new product launches
  • Calculation of customer churn probability
  • Predicting absenteeism to improve customer service

Generative AI

  • Development of conversational assistants
  • Generation of corporate knowledge bases accessible through natural language.
  • Identification of areas of application of GenAI in the company
  • Training in the use of GenAI tools

Get into AI

No matter what stage your company is in, we are here to guide you in integrating AI into your organization. Discover how you can make the most of the extraordinary potential that Artificial Intelligence has to offer.

AI Insights

Executive Workshop


A one-day intensive workshop to introduce managers to the potential of AI in business. The session focuses on understanding AI, showing real-world applications and discussing its strategic integration into your company’s operations.

Duration: 1 day

AI Discovery

Company Analysis


Detailed one-month analysis to identify AI opportunities in your company. We will assess your operations, interview your team and deliver a customized action plan with AI use cases and implementation strategies.

Duration: 1 month

AI Realization

Use Case Development


We develop and implement AI solutions tailored to your business needs. This includes building prototypes, integrating into systems and ensuring that these AI applications align with your business objectives for concrete results.

Duration: 3 months

Data Solutions

We implement solutions based on Board, Power BI and Lucanet platforms. We are experts in carrying out tailored developments to fit our clients’ needs.

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