Legal Notice

Holistic Data Solutions S.L., is the commercial name of a Spanish company headquartered at Av.Josep Tarradellas, 114 5o 1a, Barcelona (E-08029), Spain. Tax identification number: B66696303.



This website has been developed in good faith by HolisticDS with information from internal and external legally obtained sources and offers it in its current state to users and may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Under no circumstance shall HolisticDS be responsible for any direct and indirect damages arising from the information, content, software, materials or products included on this website or on which its operation is based, the content or services provided by third-party websites, in cases where this website contains hypertext links (links) that allow users to access other websites, which are governed by their own privacy policy and legal notice. In particular, HolisticDS is not responsible for any service disruptions affecting this site.

HolisticDS does not assume any responsibility that may arise from the lack of veracity, updating and/or accuracy of the data or information of any nature (total or partial).

Likewise, HolisticDS is not responsible for any errors or security deficiencies that may arise from the use, by the user, of an outdated or insecure browser version, as well as the activation of storage devices for keys or user identification codes in the browser or of the damages, errors or inaccuracies that may result from malfunctions.

In order to reduce the risk of viruses on the website, HolisticDS uses virus detection programmes to control all the contents introduced therein. However, this does not guarantee the absence of a virus nor of other elements introduced by third-parties. Therefore, under no circumstance shall HolisticDS be responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise from the presence of a virus or other elements that may cause alterations in the system or files of the user.


All the content of this website, including but not limited to: texts, images, logos, among other things; as well as industrial property rights, such as trademarks and commercial names, are the property of HolisticDS or of third parties and collaborators that have been authorized by HolisticDS.

The reproduction, distribution, public communication, modification or any other use of the information included on this website that is carried out without the authorisation of HolisticDS is prohibited, unless otherwise indicated or its use is in a personal capacity and does not violate the rights recognized to HolisticDS by current legislation.


The conditions of access to the website are subject to the Spanish legislation. Users and HolisticDS expressly acknowledge that it shall be Spanish law which regulates the relations arising from access to this website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties shall submit to the Court of Barcelona for the resolution of any disputes arising from accessing the website, waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that may apply.

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